In the mystical kingdom of Highland, a remarkable tale unfolds as Edwin Von William Highland, the kingdom's only prince, experiences a profound reincarnation. Endowed with memories from his past life, Edwin is determined to utilize his newfound knowledge to propel his kingdom to unprecedented...
Shingo Ichinomiya, a 25-year-old man working at a firm company, while thinking of tomorrow's busy working day, goes to sleep. However, when he woke up, he found himself in a room unknown to him and realized that he is inside a 6-years-old body, taking over his body and mind. He soon...
Chen Yan travels between worlds, ending up becoming an honorable prince in a medieval fantasy world. Yet this world was not quite as simple as he thought. Witches with magical powers abound, and fearsome wars between churches and kingdoms rage throughout the land.
Roland, a prince...
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