The official Twitter account for Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump magazine announced on Tuesday that Yū Sasuga and Kenichi Tachibanaplan to resume their Terraformars manga next April. The manga has been in on hiatus since this year's 15th issue on March 9, while story creator Sasuga recuperates from unspecified health issues. The Twitter account reports that the creator is back in good health.
The magazine's editing staff had previously said that the two creators are aiming to resume the manga this fall.
The first 13-episode television anime series adapting the Annex 1 arc of the manga premiered in September 2014, while the Terraformars Revenge sequel TV anime premiered in April 2016. Crunchyroll streamed both series as they aired in Japan. The manga also inspired a two-episode OVA series in 2014 that adapted the manga's Bugs 2 arc. The episodes shipped with the manga's 10th and 11th volumes.
The manga also inspired a live-action film that opened in Japan in April 2016.
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