You can now Download Tekkonkinkreet - Black & White 30th Anniversary Edition manga in .cbz format.
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PASSWORD: zeR00books
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In the somewhere-sprawl of Treasure Town, two young boys, Black and White, rule the streets. Like avatars of the city itself, they are its will and its voice, full of love and compassion, as well as danger and violence. As they leap from rooftop to rooftop, from lamppost to lamppost, nothing escapes their notice. But the city is changing beneath their feet as a yakuza-backed corporate development moves in. When the gangsters make a play to remove Black and White, the boys push back. The police have an interest in Black and White as well, trying to make sure things don't get out of hand—but things will. A battle begins between corruption and innocence, a struggle for the soul of the city itself, that will change Black and White and the city around them forever.PASSWORD: zeR00books