Hi I'm trying to download the novels but it directs me to ad.fly is there something I should do?
Hey I noticed that the fan translations had side stories at the end of each novel. Are these official extras written by kinugasa or just fan works from this community? If they are official why weren't they included as part of the official translation? Anyway thanks for providing us with the novels it's much appreciated.
Hey I noticed that the fan translations had side stories at the end of each novel. Are these official extras written by kinugasa or just fan works from this community? If they are official why weren't they included as part of the official translation? Anyway thanks for providing us with the novels it's much appreciated.
Sevenseas the official publisher of this series, don't currently have a license to the SS hence why it wasn't added. They might get the license in the future and merge all the SS into one epub file and put it up for sale.
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Seven seas the official publisher of this series, don't currently have license to the SS hence why it wasn't added. They might get the license in the future and merge all the SS into one epub file and put it up for sale.
Alright. Thanks for the information. In that case I've noticed a few things now that I've gone back to read the side stories I've missed:
-volume 2 is missing a fan translation and the link is a download to the seven seas download
-volumes 3 and 5 seems to not have side stories
Am I right to assume these 3 volumes don't have side stories?
Hey! I just started reading COTE from your pdfs and i just started volume 9. I noticed that for volume 10 i looks a bit different from the previous volumes i've read (the color art of the first couples pages arent translated) just curious as to why those arent translated? Thanks and keep up the great work!
Hey! I just started reading COTE from your pdfs and i just started volume 9. I noticed that for volume 10 i looks a bit different from the previous volumes i've read (the color art of the first couples pages arent translated) just curious as to why those arent translated? Thanks and keep up the great work!
Oh this is an easy answer the official english translations are only uptill the vol 9 after that its fan translations and they cant edit the cover japanese lines but sometimes translators do translate the cover japanes and write it below

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