News Crunchyroll, Funimation to Stream Touken Ranbu Hanamaru Season 2


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Crunchyroll and Funimation announced on Thursday that it will stream the second season of Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru as it airs in Japan. Funimation's stream will be English dubbed. Regions and stream times have not yet been announced.

The anime premiered in Japan on Tokyo MXand BS11 at midnight on January 7 (effectively January 8), before airing later in the night on Kansai TV. The anime also began streaming on on January 8.

The new season will again follow a format where each episode is named after months of the year. The first episode, titled "First Month: I Must Get Stronger," follows the "Touken Danshi" as they plan to celebrate New Year's Eve like normal people.

Tomoaki Koshida (episode director on Polar Bear's Café, Wagnaria!!3) replaces Takashi Naoya as the director, and the writing collective WriteWorks (Record of Grancrest War; production cooperation on Kizumonogatari, Tsukimonogatari) replaces Pierre Sugiura as the series script supervisors. Junichiro Taniguchi(Natsuyuki Rendezvous, Prison School) is returning to design the characters, and Doga Kobo will continue to animate for the new season.

The first season of Touken Ranbu: Hanamarupremiered in October 2016, and had 12 episodes. Crunchyroll streamed the season as it aired in Japan, and Funimation streamed an English broadcast dub.


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