Mahouka Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei all volumes download epub & pdf

Can you translate Magian Company Vol. 1 I already found some Japanese Version of these online. :)
The 8.5 pdf one, after the ads it said the link cant be found
I just checked the link and it's working fine, check the link bellow on how to download & some tips to common problems

I just checked the link and it's working fine, check the link bellow on how to download & some tips to common problems

I frequently download here alr so i know how. Its weird only this one has that problem. Thanks anyway
Will the link to Volume 16 ever be updated to the Official Translations w/ official Images? The official English translation for Vol. 16 has been already out for a couple months now I think.
Or has nobody gotten their hands on the actual Novel yet and made a digital copy out of it like the rest?

Edit: I just found out its not actually out yet.
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