Are Vol 1-7 links working for anyone? 8-17 were no problem, once you do the popup dance. I get the error, your internet access is blocked, even when Norton is totally off.

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Are Vol 1-7 links working for anyone? 8-17 were no problem, once you do the popup dance. I get the error, your internet access is blocked, even when Norton is totally off.

Vol.1 works for me on chrome though. Once you get past the tshortener, you "skip ads" after 5 seconds on It opens two pages. The one you were at will be the ads, the new page is google drive that closes automatically after it opened "save file" dialog or automatic download (browser setting). If you close the ads or the new page before (I'm used to the new page being ads and close it by reflex), there won't be any download and you have to repeat again.
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