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Superman has become an icon of virtue for the citizens of Metropolis, a notion that still infuriates billionaire and Superman foe Lex Luthor, who considers the alien a threat to his city. After foiling a kidnapping attempt of the mayor by Intergang armed with Apokolipstechnology, such as the Mother Box, Superman and the Justice League send the pieces to S.T.A.R. Labs for analysis. Meanwhile Superman, in an unprecedented move, presents the rocket that brought him from Krypton to Earth, and its birthing matrix, containing Kryptonian DNA technology to the world, through an interview with the Daily Planet ace reporter Lois Lane. Lois is in a long-term secret relationship with Superman's alter-ego, Clark Kent. Despite their long term relationship, and meeting his parents Jonathan and Martha, she is apprehensive of Clark's secrecy about his past. Clark's reluctant to reveal everything about himself, from his alter-ego to his past in general, creates a rift between the two, making Lois reconsider their relationship.

At S.T.A.R labs, Silas Stone and his associates analyze the recovered technology, discovering the metal alloy comprises of elements from both Apokolips and Earth, leaving one suspect whose company is one of very few with the power to fuse Apokolips and human technology: Lex Luthor. Superman confronts a currently house arrest and ankle monitor wearing Luthor, who denies any involvement. Meanwhile, an astronaut team under the guidance of Superman admirer Capt. Hank Henshaw, is repairing a satellite aboard the Excalibur space shuttle when a boomtube opens propelling a meteorite towards Earth, with the shuttle in its way. Henshaw hopes Superman will save them like he has before, but unfortunately, the debris accompanying the meteorite strikes the shuttle, annihilating it and the crew inside. The meteorite crashes 10,000m into the ocean floor near the East Coast in the Atlantic Ocean, monitored by Luthor and his team of scientists in an underground research facility. Luthor, escaping his house arrest through a decoy, sends a team of deep sea explorers to the crash site. The explorers encounter Atlanteans at the crash site, and together examine the wreckage when it explodes, and a 9-foot giant humanoid beast emerges killing everyone.

The beast reaches the US coastline, murdering two campers and a grizzly bear, while en route towards the most populated city in the vicinity: Metropolis. After going on a rampage decimating police units, the Justice League arrive to fight it. Unfortunately, while each member give some fight, the beast single-handedly defeats all of them, barely surviving. During the fight, the Martian Manhuntermanages to delve into the beast's mind through telepathy, discovering that the beast is a weapon with zero empathy, designed specifically to annihilate large civilizations. As the beast heads to Metropolis, Batman notes their last hope is Superman. At the same time, Clark and Lois meet for lunch at a tavern owned by Superman fan Bibbo Bibbowski, where Clark finally reveals his truth when removing his glasses, revealing himself as Superman to a shocked Lois. The two resolve their differences before Clark receives a distress call from the Justice League. Now in the city, Wonder Woman fights the beast before falling victim herself. Just as the beast is about to stab her with her own sword, Superman arrives and strikes it with his heat vision, hurling it city blocks away.

Dubbed by Lois as "Doomsday"; the fight between Superman and Doomsday is reported live from the air by Lois and her cameraman Jimmy Olsen. The news crew is attacked by Doomsday until they are rescued by a beaten and bloodied Superman. Superman continues to fight the monster, in the city, over a suspension bridge, in the sky and finally near the Hall of Justice, but is exhausted and near defeat. Luthor arrives in his own battlesuit and sadistically enjoys the weakened Superman while attacking Doomsday, as he considers this an opportunity to gain the upper hand over Superman, and defeating Doomsday himself will win the hearts of Metropolis citizens as their true savior. Just as he is about to stab it, Doomsday recovers from Luthor's assault and tears through his suit, throwing Luthor far away until Superman saves him. Superman continues the fight, and both him and Doomsday pummel each other with all their might, until Doomsday grievously wounds his opponent. Lois realizes Clark is going to die, and fights Doomsday with rocks from the ground. Doomsday extrudes a bony spear through his arms as he walks toward Lois to kill her. Superman sees this, and with one final burst of war cry, hurls himself straight towards Doomsday; Superman's speed is enough to twist Doomsday's neck around to kill it, but unfortunately, the beast also fatally stabs him through the chest, killing the Man of Steel. Lois holds a dying Superman in her arms. Having been assured that Doomsday is dead, and that the city is safe, Superman smiles and breathes his last breath.

Jimmy broadcasts the death live all over the world, creating a global mourning. Superman is provided a state funeral, in attendance are all dignitaries, the Justice League and Lex Luthor. Clark Kent, unbeknownst to others is declared Killed in action, and for the Kents, cannot attend Superman's funeral because no one knows he's their son. But they welcome Lois, as she is part of the family now. Bibbo tearfully sits by himself, asking why Superman died and not him. Luthor goes to S.T.A.R labs in hopes of obtaining Doomsday. Lois and Jimmy arrive at Superman's mausoleum, to discover an empty casket broken from inside and witness a dark figure with a cape in the sky, flying away in an instant

In the mid-credits, Superman's rocket self-starts and flies to the North Pole, burying itself under the Arctic Ice to terraform into the Fortress of Solitude. Inside a secret lab owned by LexCorp, various Superman monster clones are destroyed, but one walks away and escapes. Dr. John Henry Irons is seen forging a metallic version of the Superman symbol onto a suit of armor. And lastly, a cyborg resembling Superman flying above the Earth's atmosphere.




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