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The story follows the adventures of Kojou Akatsuki, a vampire in high school who is a bit reluctant to show his powers, and Yukina Himeragi, a teenage Sword Shaman apprentice who is sent to observe him. It takes place in the Demon District in Itogami City, a man-made island off the coast of Japan that has a freely mingling monster populace. Kojou is suspected of being the Fourth Progenitor, a powerful vampire that could potentially disrupt the balance of power among the ruling three Progenitors. Kojou and Yukina befriend various monster students, some of whom are attracted to Kojou, and whose situations drive his libido that provides the source of much of his power.

  1. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 01 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  2. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 02 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  3. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 03 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  4. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 04 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  5. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 05 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  6. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 06 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  7. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 07 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  8. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 08 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  9. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 09 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  10. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 10 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  11. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 11 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  12. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 12 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  13. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 13 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  14. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 14 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  15. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 15 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  16. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 16 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  17. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 17 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  18. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 18 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  19. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 19 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  20. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 20 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  21. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 21 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD
  22. STRIKE THE BLOOD VOLUME 22 PDF -------------------------------- DOWNLOAD

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just saw the trailer for stb 4, thought i would read ahead but the books end exactly where the anime left off....... *sighs*
FYI from what I SAW the anime is skipping around portions and changing them from the LN. so I just gave up on it and stopped watching, plus also it wasn't even official subbed it was just fans with bad subs

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