Mikado Ryuugamine, a high school boy looking for the extraordinary, moves to Ikebukuro, Tokyo, at the invitation of a childhood friend. Celty Sturluson, an Irish dullahan, rides the streets of Ikebukuro on a silent, pitch-black motorcycle, searching for her missing head. An information broker watches the people and scenes surrounding him with interest. A girl with a scar on her neck is running from something. Undocumented immigrants are going missing while the group trafficking them has ties to higher figures. A mysterious gang called the Dollars is the subject of countless rumors around the city. All of these stories come together in a few days in Ikebukuro.
Chapter Listing
- Prologue
- Chapter 1: Shadow
- Chapter 2: The Headless Rider, Objective
- Chapter 3: The Headless Rider, Subjective
- Chapter 4: A Regular Day in Town, Noon
- Chapter 5: A Regular Day in Town, Night
- Chapter 6: Yagiri Pharmaceuticals, Upper Management
- Chapter 7: Yagiri Pharmaceuticals, Under-Under-Underlings
- Chapter 8: Double Heroine, Sonohara
- Chapter 9: Double Heroine, Wounded Girl
- Chapter 10: Dollars, Opening
- Last Chapter: Dollars, Closing
- Epilogue: Ordinary Days, Light
- Epilogue: Ordinary Days, Dark
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