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*record scratch* *freeze frame on Haru Koyama getting choked by a horny naked dude* Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation. Not by choice, I can tell you that! It started when my weirdo classmate, Chiba, tried to save me from a runaway truck and got us both killed instead. Idiot. Then we got transported to another world, which I guess is like an otaku dream come true, or something? Chiba ends up with cheat abilities, and what do I get? Nothing! Lucky me, I get to be a sex worker instead. Gotta earn money somehow — but since I have to do it, I'm gonna kick ass at it. This world treats women even worse than the one we came from, so things get...rough. Still, I've made friends with some of the girls, and if I can juggle Chiba's idiocy and Sumo the virgin's emotions on top of all the various kinks my customers throw at me, things will be all right...won't they?

Note: This is Hentai

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JK Haru wa Isekai de Shoufu ni Natta: Summer
JKハルは異世界で娼婦になったsummer JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World: Summer


Note: This is Hentai

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havent read it so no clue, if you read it tell me if it's hentai so I can tag it with a warning so other people know
sorta yes sorta no idk go read it i didn't get very far
dammit jack wth u call this sorta?! from every 5 pages 2/3 of'em are just sex. and very detailed in that. i mean even asoiaf seems innocent compared to this. this is definitely hentai. how is it even licenced as light novel? i mean aren't most LN readers under 18?
dammit jack wth u call this sorta?! from every 5 pages 2/3 of'em are just sex. and very detailed in that. i mean even asoiaf seems innocent compared to this. this is definitely hentai. how is it even licenced as light novel? i mean aren't most LN readers under 18?
you do realize there are hentai novels. you just put em in a 18+ shelf.
dammit jack wth u call this sorta?! from every 5 pages 2/3 of'em are just sex. and very detailed in that. i mean even asoiaf seems innocent compared to this. this is definitely hentai. how is it even licenced as light novel? i mean aren't most LN readers under 18?
also will repeat DIDNT GET VERY FAR
you do realize there are hentai novels. you just put em in a 18+ shelf.
also will repeat DIDNT GET VERY FAR
1.really?! never knew it...
2.heh playing innocent huh?
anyway story except being super sex filled was also kinda new like the char u'd usually call bitch in the story and now kinda understand'em that others are bastards not her. but yeah i'm also gonna drop it don't wanna get caught with it
1.really?! never knew it...
2.heh playing innocent huh?
anyway story except being super sex filled was also kinda new like the char u'd usually call bitch in the story and now kinda understand'em that others are bastards not her. but yeah i'm also gonna drop it don't wanna get caught with it
Ok thanks for the info, I'll tag it as a hentai so no other members read it unknowingly
well i changed my mind although the cool part was maybe for, say just 2 chapters and others were just sex..., i liked it. but by cool i mean going berserk, revenge and these kinda stuff (i'm a sadist i guess) the 1st half of story is just pure F-service (and second half is mix of Find and story progress)

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